Virtues in the Media
Learn about our mission and journey with podcasts, press, and other projects!

Baha'i Blogcast with Rainn Wilson
Rainn Wilson interviews Dara about what's on her heart, mind and soul, her spiritual journey and how virtues makes her tick. She tells me how she became a Baha'i, her passion for restorative justice, and her recent experience in India at the largest school in the world. Full episode.....

B.O.O.S.T. Podcast
In this podcast, we sit down with the excellent Kelly Leonard discuss how Virtues bring passion to life in business and entrepreneurship.
Listen here.

Get a jolt of positivity from an app that can lift your spirits
Dara shares how the Virtues Cards app that gives a boost to parents, educators, team leaders and anyone trying to stay strong during the pandemic. CNET tells you what's new in tech, culture and science, why it matters, how it works and what you need. Full episode...

Practicing kindness increases self-esteem, empathy and compassion
Virtues Matter had the honor to partner with Life Vest Inside and kick off World Kindness Week on November 8th. LifeVest, known for their viral video 'Kindness Boomerang - One Day' helps schools adopt to World Kindness Day across the globe.

QB Dadcast
The Quarterback DadCast tells stories of fathers looking to be their best. Join host Casey Jacox and Dave (episode 24) to hear inspiring stories relatable stories. Full episode....

Meaningful Conversations as a Tool Against Inequality
Virtues Matter partnered with Main Street Connect, Montgomery County Collaborations Council, Donte's Boxing & Wellness Fdn to explore the intersection of race & disability and uplift Black History.
Watch the episode here.

America Meditating
TheĀ America Meditating Radio ShowĀ focuses on wellness, current events, healthy living, spirituality, self-help, meditation, empowerment, and people who are making a difference in their communities and in the world.Ā
Latest features

Kickass, Virtuous Boomers
Take a listen to our episode on Kickass Boomers, where host Terry Lohrbeer uplifts a global movement celebrating the creativity and initiative of Boomers of all ages.
I envision this podcast to be a one-stop-shopping for boomers who need inspiration and motivation along their own journey to live their dreams. -Terry
Listen here.

A Conscious Life with Virtues
On a Conscious Moment- the show that asks the question "The universe is always speaking to you- are you listening?"- we sit down and discuss what it means to become more conscious with and connected to ourselves and each other with Virtues with host Linda Burke. Linda is a coach committed to inspiring parenting and leadership based in awareness, presence, and compassion.
Listen here.

WEAVing Trust in Community
WEAVE: The Social Fabric Project of the Aspen Institute began a new series highlighting people who build trust in their communities - who they call “weavers.”-. Dave was honored to be invited to share 20 slides, 20 seconds each on how to create more united communities.
Dave’s talk about WEAVing trust with Virtues starts at 16:45, and see two more inspiring speakers here.